“With over 400kW now on tap and a setup more reliable than ever, Kat of Kat Benson Racing was able to get serious seat time at the third Prowear NZ Superlap Series round — netting a new personal best along the way!”
Image: Aaron Mai
After a late-season debut at the second round of the Prowear NZ Superlap Series, Kat came out swinging with a new Bruce McLaren Motorsport Park personal best of 1:38.3-seconds thanks to a potent new stroker kit and turbo combination. This change, once dialled in with E85 has been a game changer for Kat, and the third round of the NZ Superlap Series was no different.
Image: Aaron Mai
With only one day of racing at the V 4&Rotary Jamboree, a reliable package is a must — especially after the six-hour trip south from Auckland. With that being said, we’d like to hand it over to Kat to run us through her successful weekend. Over to you, Kat.
Image: Aaron Mai
Superlap is traditionally one fast lap and that is all you focus on. With the highly-strung vehicles we run, it’s difficult to ask for more than one or two laps at full noise and that has been how the BurgerFuel Evo has been since we started chasing big power. But, that all changed at round three of the Prowear NZ Superlap Series at manfeild Autocourse.
Image: Aaron Mai
For the first time in a while, I was able to push the car to its limits lap after lap after lap with no issues. After fixing a windage and oiling issue that has plagued the car at recent events, the motor ran cooler and stronger — it just wanted to keep going!
Image: Aaron Mai
All the upgrades since the fire last year were finally realised to their full potential and I felt comfortable in the driver’s seat again. The very first lap out was a personal best at the circuit, with times dropping every subsequent lap.
Image: Aaron Mai
The weather was hot, yet every time I came back into the pits with a vehicle I felt confident in, it just made me want to get straight back out there and chop more laps with a smile on my face.
Image: Aaron Mai
There was some fierce competition at this round, with 50 entrants from all across New Zealand — which just goes to show that time attack racing in this country just keeps growing. The event ran flawlessly thanks to the team behind the scenes and on the grid, with five groups and five sessions being run throughout the day. It’s amazing to see everyone come together to get this done.
Image: Aaron Mai
Kat successfully completed the weekend with a 1:15.4-second lap time and a third place in Pro Street class. With only two weeks until the fourth round, we’re excited to see Kat and the Evo shred another personal best.